State of the Union Preview
Market Commentary Highlights...
- President Obama’s State of the Union (SOTU), scheduled for Tuesday, January 24, is unlikely to be a big market mover.
- In fact, most SOTU speeches see less than a 1% move in the stock market on the following day.
- However, the themes and philosophy presented may shape the market’s movements in the months to come with implications for Financial and Industrial companies and oil prices.
View the entire Market Commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Market Commentary for the week of January 23, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found here. ###
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: industrial market, LSB, LSB Financial, market commentary, oil prices, State of the Union
Ch – Ch – Ch – Changes…Time to Focus on the Fed’s Forecasts
Economic Commentary Highlights...
- Plenty of changes likely to the FOMC statement, but policy still on hold.
- The changing composition of the FOMC’s voting members will receive a great deal of media attention, but is not likely to alter policy in 2012.
View the entire economic commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Economic Commentary for the week of January 23, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx ### This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: economic commentary, FOMC, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB
Current Conditions Index
- Over the past week, the LPL Financial Current Conditions Index remained rose to 248. The highest reading since January of last year. Supporting what is likely to be an above average growth rate for fourth quarter GDP when reported. The path of the CCI remains consistent with continued economic
growth in the United States.
- The growth momentum in the index has picked up lately with the 13 week change in the index turning positive and the 52 week change moderating it’s contraction.
View the entire Current Conditions Index (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above commentary for the week of January 18, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx ____________________________________________________________________________________ The LPL Financial Research Current Conditions Index is a weekly measure of the conditions that underpin our outlook for the markets and economy. The CCI provides real-time context and insight into the trends that shape our recommended actions to manage portfolios. This index has proven to be a useful tool for investment decision making.
This weekly index is not intended to be a leading index or predictive of where conditions are headed, but a coincident measure of where they are right now. We want to track the conditions in real-time to aid in investment decision making. There are thousands of indicators-some lead the economy, some lag, while others merely offer a lot of statistical noise. We chose to create our own index tailored to the current environment to provide the clearest and most useful way to track conditions. The components of the CCI are periodically changed to retune the index to those factors most critical to the markets and economy so it may continue to be a valuable investment decision-making tool.
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state.
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. http://www.mylsb.com/default.aspx Labels: Bank Lending, current conditions index, economic growth, GDP, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB, LSB Financial, rising market
Not So Cloudy
Economic Commentary Highlights...
- The Federal Reserve’s latest Beige Book helped confirm that the U.S. economy picked up steam as 2011 ended and 2012 began.
- The latest Beige Book also showed considerable improvement versus the November Beige Book, and both have improved drastically versus 2009, despite the financial media’s instance that “this is just like 2008/2009.”
View the entire economic commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Economic Commentary for the week of January 17, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx ### This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: economic commentary, Federal Reserve, improving economy, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB, LSB Financial
European Upgrade
Market Commentary Highlights...
- S&P’s downgrade overshadowed meaningful developments over the past two weeks in Europe which we would call an upgrade in dealing with the debt problems.
- The events of the past week show that the rating change at S&P, while warranted, is a lagging indicator of a situation that has been something less than AA-rated for a long time, but has been improving in recent months with more progress made in the past two weeks.
- While we have become more positive about the path Europe is taking, these efforts virtually assure a mild recession for Europe in 2012, and reinforce our belief that better investment opportunities lie in the United States and Emerging Markets.
View the entire Market Commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Market Commentary for the week of January 17, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found here. ###
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: european crisis, european downgrade, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB, LSB Financial, market commentary, S and p
Current Conditions Index
- Over the past week, the LPL Financial Current Conditions Index remained relatively unchanged at 241. Near the highest reading since January of last year. Supporting what is likely to be an above average growth rate for fourth quarter gross domestic product (GDP) when reported. The path of the CCI remains consistent with continued economic growth in the United States.
- The growth momentum in the index has picked up lately with the 13-week change in the index turning positive and the 52-week change moderating it’s contraction.
View the entire Current Conditions Index (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above commentary for the week of January 11, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx ____________________________________________________________________________________ The LPL Financial Research Current Conditions Index is a weekly measure of the conditions that underpin our outlook for the markets and economy. The CCI provides real-time context and insight into the trends that shape our recommended actions to manage portfolios. This index has proven to be a useful tool for investment decision making.
This weekly index is not intended to be a leading index or predictive of where conditions are headed, but a coincident measure of where they are right now. We want to track the conditions in real-time to aid in investment decision making. There are thousands of indicators-some lead the economy, some lag, while others merely offer a lot of statistical noise. We chose to create our own index tailored to the current environment to provide the clearest and most useful way to track conditions. The components of the CCI are periodically changed to retune the index to those factors most critical to the markets and economy so it may continue to be a valuable investment decision-making tool.
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state.
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. http://www.mylsb.com/default.aspx Labels: Fourth Quarter, growth rate, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB, LSB Financial, Real Gross Domestic Product
What Investors Should be Watching This Earnings Season
Market Commentary Highlights...
- This week is the start of the fourth quarter 2011 earnings reporting season with big, well-known companies like Alcoa and JPMorgan Chase due to report fourth quarter results.
- This is the first quarter in over two years that S&P 500 profit growth is not expected to be in the double-digits.
- During this earnings season we are paying special attention to revenues and how companies are putting cash to work either by spending or by returning it to shareholders.
View the entire Market Commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Market Commentary for the week of January 9, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found here. ###
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: Earnings, Fourth Quarter, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB, LSB Financial, market commentary, slowing growth
Does Economic Momentum Exist?
Economic Commentary Highlights...
- Episodes of “economic momentum” have been rare in the past 20 years.
- Recent evidence points to modest momentum in the U.S. economy as 2011 turned into 2012.
- Another round of economic speed bumps could temper hard-won momentum.
View the entire economic commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Economic Commentary for the week of January 9, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx ### This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: economic commentary, economic momentum, LSB, LSB Financial, slowing economy
Current Conditions Index
Over the past week, the LPL Financial Current Conditions Index rose to247. This is the highest reading since January of last year. Supporting what is likely to be an above average growth rate for fourth quarter GDP when reported. The path of the CCI remains consistent with continued economic growth in the United States.
The growth momentum in the index has picked up lately with the 13-week change in the Index turning positive and the 52-week change moderating it’s contraction.
View the entire Current Conditions Index (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above commentary for the week of January 4, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx ____________________________________________________________________________________ The LPL Financial Research Current Conditions Index is a weekly measure of the conditions that underpin our outlook for the markets and economy. The CCI provides real-time context and insight into the trends that shape our recommended actions to manage portfolios. This index has proven to be a useful tool for investment decision making.
This weekly index is not intended to be a leading index or predictive of where conditions are headed, but a coincident measure of where they are right now. We want to track the conditions in real-time to aid in investment decision making. There are thousands of indicators-some lead the economy, some lag, while others merely offer a lot of statistical noise. We chose to create our own index tailored to the current environment to provide the clearest and most useful way to track conditions. The components of the CCI are periodically changed to retune the index to those factors most critical to the markets and economy so it may continue to be a valuable investment decision-making tool.
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state.
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. http://www.mylsb.com/default.aspx Labels: above average growth, current conditions index, growth momentum, LSB, LSB Financial, rising GDP
Hitting the Ground Running
Economic Commentary Highlights...
- Financial markets have a full plate of economic and policy events to digest as they return from the year-end holidays.
- The FOMC minutes may provide some hints as to the Fed’s communications strategy.
View the entire economic Commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Economic Commentary for the week of January 3, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx ### This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: economic commentary, Federal Reserve, LSB, LSB Financial, policy event
Stock Market’s Flat 2011, May Suggest Booming 2012
Market Commentary Highlights...
- During the last trading day of 2011, volatility drove the S&P 500 down in the final seconds to leave the Index unchanged from where it started the year and the total return at a mere 2%.
- There have been four years since WWII when the total return for the S&P 500 was roughly flat. All three of these years that preceded 2011 were followed by strong gains in the following year, averaging 38%.
- While the historical pattern suggests that a strong 2012 may follow a flat 2011, our outlook remains for an average gain of about 8 – 12% in 2011.
View the entire Market Commentary (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Market Commentary for the week of January 3, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found here. ###
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Securities and Insurance products offered through LPL Financial and its affiliates, member FINRA / SIPC.
Not FDIC Insured | No Bank Guarantee | May Lose Value |
Not a Deposit | Not Insured by any Federal Government Agency |
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are not registered broker/dealers, nor are they affiliated with LPL Financial. This site is designed for U.S. residents only. The services offered within this site are available exclusively through our U.S. Investment Representatives. LPL Financials U.S. Investment Representatives may only conduct business with residents of the states for which they are properly registered. Please note that not all of the investments and services mentioned are available in every state. Labels: 2011 totals, 2012 outlook, increasing gains, LSB, LSB Financial, market commentary, Market Volatility
LSB Paid $174,448 CASH BACK for 2011!
Happy New Year! The New Year brings many things to Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) customers: New Year’s resolutions, cold weather, caucuses and CASH BACK rewards! Paying back over $174,448, LSB had our best year ever for CASH BACK rewards! LSB customers will see their CASH BACK rewards for the year 2011 deposited to their LSB checking accounts on January 3, 2012. So, if you are an LSB customer and active debit card user (selecting the CREDIT option for your purchases), look for your CASH BACK reward on your next bank statement (or check your online banking account).
Why does LSB pay CASH BACK? LSB encourages electronic forms of banking, like using a debit card rather than writing checks for purchases. Since we, like all other banks and credit unions, earn “interchange fees” from the various card networks when our customers use debit cards to make purchases, LSB shares back a portion of that fee to our valued customers. So, LSB customers who use their debit cards as CREDIT transactions for their purchases, earn up to 1%* CASH BACK! The CASH BACK reward is deposited into our customer’s checking account after the end of the year.
Are you CASHING IN? If you aren’t earning CASH BACK, it’s easy to get started! Just open an LSB Checking Account, and start using your LSB debit card to make every day purchases like gas and groceries. You can open an LSB account online in just minutes, or visit your local LSB branch. If you already have an LSB account and want to make sure you maximize your 2012 reward, visit www.mylsb.com/CashBack for tips on how to earn CASH BACK from LSB.
Your friends at LSB wish you a prosperous 2012!
Member FDIC
*Cash back: Your account will be credited back a portion of your purchases each year (Jan. 1 to Dec. 31). Only signature-based Visa authorized purchases will qualify for credit. ATM transactions and purchases made with a PIN do not qualify.
- The first $4,999.99 will earn 0.25%
- $5000 - $9,999.99 will earn 0.50%
- $10,000 and over will earn 1.00%Labels: bank, CASH BACK, checking rewards, Debit Card Rewards, Iowa, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB