Cinderella: The Last Chapter
Market Commentary Highlights...
It is appropriate that this past Friday, March 4, marked both the 61st anniversary of the release of Disney’s Cinderella and the release of the February employment report that helps to tell the final chapter of the Cinderella story of the economic and market turnaround of the past two years.
While GDP, consumer spending, and the stock market are at or near all-time highs and the manufacturing sector is booming, job growth has lagged in this economic rags-to-riches story leaving it incomplete.
Friday’s market action and soaring oil prices serve as a reminder that even as the last chapter of this Cinderella story unfolds, new stories are being written that may be less favorable for the markets.
Read the entire Market Commentary. (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Market Commentary for the week of March 7, 2011. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. This commentary and others like it can be found at
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902.
Labels: consumer spending, Economic and Market turnaround, GDP, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB Financial, stock market
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