Wall Street Election Polls
07/12/12 Election Poll Highlights...
- In the past week ending Wednesday, the LPL Financial “Wall Street” Election Poll index reflects a shift toward Republicans. The index reflects rising odds for Democrats over the past month and now stands at 111, two points below the highest level of the year.
- Over the past week, the overall market fell. Declines in the Democrat-favored Homebuilding and Farm Equipment industries were the biggest drivers of Republican gains. The Republican-favored Managed Care industry performed better than the Health Care industries on the Democrat side, a reversal from the prior week’s Affordable Care Act response. Coal Producers were the biggest decliner on the Republican side.
07/05/12 Election Poll Highlights...
- In the past holiday-shortened week ending Tuesday, the LPL Financial “Wall Street” Election Poll index reflects a shift toward Democrats, reflecting movement in the Health Care sector following Thursday’s Supreme Court decision on the Affordable Care Act (ACA). The index reflects rising odds for Democrats over the past month and now stands at 111, the highest level of the year.
- Over the past week, the overall market rallied. A sharp decline in the Republican-favored Managed Care industry, the only industry in the election poll that fell after the Supreme Court largely upheld the ACA, offset solid gains in the Republican-favored Energy sector. Standout Democratic performers included Construction Materials, Homebuilders, and Farm Equipment.
06/21/12 Election Poll Highlights...
- In the past week, the LPL Financial “Wall Street” Election Poll index reflects a shift toward Democrats, though Republicans have picked up over the past month
- Over the past week, the overall stock market rose. The Republican-favored Electric Utilities and Telecommunications companies failed to keep pace with the overall market. Among the Democrat-favored industries, all industries posted gains, led by the Homebuilders.
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Election Polls for the weeks of June 21, July 5, and July 12, 2012. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx
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Labels: affordable care act, Coal Producers, democrat, election, election poll, farm equipment, health care, homebuilding, Lincoln Savings Bank, LSB, LSB Financial, republican, stock market
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