Fraud Alert: Phishing Attack Targeting the SHAZAM Name
SHAZAM, a common name throughout the midwest because they provide debit and ATM card services to financial institutions, is the target of a phishing attack. The attack involves Twitter, a popular social media site, and fraudulent websites that have been established to capture information from unsuspecting consumers. Lincoln Savings Bank wants to make our customers aware of this phishing attack because our ATM and Debit cards carry the SHAZAM logo, and we want to make sure our customers don't fall victim to this fraudulent activity.
A phishing attack is when a fraudster attempts to use false or misleading means to lure consumers into providing sensitive information. A phishing attack does not mean that SHAZAM has been hacked or compromised in any way, so unless you have recently entered sensitive banking information on the web or through a social media site that seems to represent "Shazam Debit Card", you are not at risk for this attack.
The phishing attack is using the Twitter hashtag #shazamdebitcard. This attack has led to the creation of several fraudulent “Shazam Debit Card” Internet sites. The sites claim to be collecting information for fast-cash loans; therefore, personal information, such as a person’s Social Security number, date of birth, and driver’s license number, is being targeted.
The SHAZAM Corporate Security team has initiated security procedures, and are in the process of removing all associated URLs and disabling the #shazamdebitcard Twitter hashtag.
Please ignore any sites associated with the Twitter hashtag #shazamdebitcard. If you are concerned that you may have entered sensitive information on one of these sites, please call SHAZAM Client Support immediately at (800) 537-5427 (option 2) and they will assist you in any way that we can. You are also welcome to call LSB at (800) 588-7551.
Labels: atm, Debit Card, Lincoln Savings Bank, Phishing, SHAZAM
The sites claim to be collecting information for fast-cash loans; therefore, personal information, PPI Claims helpline
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