Waiting for the Turn
Economic Commentary Highlights...
- Market participants will have to look elsewhere for direction this week amid a quiet week for economic reports in the United States.
- On balance, the backdrop for hiring remains supportive for modest job creation in the coming months.
- There are several key reports on the Japanese economy for May due out this week that are expected to show that the pace of recovery in Japan hastened in May.
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Economic Commentary for the week of June 6, 2011. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. The above commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Labels: economic, economic recovery, japan, job creation, LSB, LSB Financial
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