Our “One and a Half Cents” on the Fourth Quarter
Market Commentary Highlights...
A one and a half (not double) dip for the economy. We expect slow, but positive economic growth supporting modest stock market gains in the fourth quarter.
One and a half chambers of Congress go to the Republican Party in the mid-term election. The return of political balance in Washington between the parties may slow the pace of legislative change and result in the gridlock the market has historically favored.
QE 1.5 from the Fed. During the fourth quarter, the Federal Reserve is likely to announce additional stimulus measures to stimulate growth.
Read the entire Market Commentary. (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Market Commentary for the week of October 4, 2010. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. This commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx
Read the entire Market Commentary. (pdf format)
Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial are pleased to provide the above Market Commentary for the week of October 4, 2010. The commentary is prepared by LPL FINANCIAL RESEARCH, the broker-dealer partner for Lincoln Savings Bank and LSB Financial. This commentary and others like it can be found at www.mylsb.com/investments/commentary.aspx
This information is being provided by Lincoln Savings Bank (LSB) / LSB Financial, an Iowa-based institution devoted to providing complete financial services since 1902. www.mylsb.com
Labels: economic growth, mid-term elections, political balance, stimulus, stock market gains
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